Meet Anthony DeGone

Anthony is our health specialist on the team. Understanding that you only have one life, Anthony strives to make the most out of each and everyday. He implements this same approach into his coaching, trying to show everyone they can achieve what they set their focus towards.

As said in 1 Corinthians 7:19-20 "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies" and he is set out to help people see/live as such.

Anthony graduated with a bachelors of science in Kinesiology from the University of Maine in 2019. His ambition for health and fitness has transcended into his coaching helping numerous people reach their mental and physical goals.

Meet Sean Walker

Sean is 23 year old old-soul who has a heart for the youth. Sean's mission is to, "Be a part of the transformation of young minds to find truth." He truly believes that, as is said in 1 Timothy 4:12 "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young..." and that is exactly what he is setting out to do.

Sean graduated with a bachelors of art religion degree from the University of North Texas and has goals of reaching millions with impactful coaching and teaching.

Sean set down his pro basketball ambitions and now creates daily content on multiple social media platforms and works to teach and share deep biblical concepts with the desire to create happy, healthy, whole and biblical relationships reaching singles and others alike.

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